HQ Air Force – Budget Formulation and Counsel
Aalis has expertise in budget planning, programming, and execution, and provides counsel to clients in these areas. They have created and presented briefings to Congressional Staffers on the AF IT Budget, and have participated in the preparation of Congressional Justification Books (CJBs) related to AF IT Budget Reporting and Cyberspace Activities. Aalis is also responsible for reconciling data between Program Resource Collection Program (PRCP) and Select & Native Programming Information Technology (SNaP-IT) database updates in preparation for print to justification books. They are SMEs in reviewing, integrating, compiling and articulating all inputs into justification books. Aalis has expert knowledge of Defense Budget Systems Comptroller Information System (CIS) and Program Resource Collection Program (PRCP), and can integrate, compile, and display presentations using previous President Budget (PB) presentations, suggesting areas of improvements. They also provide TBM and FITARA Scorecard support.
Category: Financial Management
Contract Type: Subcontractor